Mr. Gökhan, you thought about the smallest details on behalf of all of us during the tour. You told us about your knowledge of the region in the style of a family conversation. Everything was very good except the bad weather, good luck, thank you. Gülay Ceyhan hasn't been active on Medium yet.
Dear ... tour family We joined your east black sea tour on April 23 as a family. The accommodation, food and treats were very nice. We are very pleased with the family.
Endless thanks to our tour guide Gökhan Demir, for the first time, a tour guide informed us before the tour and we received instant information during the tour. We learned a lot from someone who has a very good command of his subject and does his job properly.
I would also like to thank our captain Hasan and officer Yasin.
I hope there will be a GAP tour.
Thanks .
Regards Özkan Metin
From the moment of welcoming us at the OR-Gİ airport exit on Saturday until we say goodbye yesterday evening, Gökhan Bey, we would like to thank you and then the captain of Yasin and Hasan for the service you have shown and the interest and interest you have shown to us.
(I will also pass my detailed thanks to ...)
For those who will come to the Black Sea ...
"** We will say, listen to the Black Sea from Gökhan * Demir *." **
(57) 320 ,,,
Estimado Gökham Demir. Me alegra mucho que hayas creado esta página; me interesan la historia y es claro que la Península de Anatolia tiene una rica historia; por siglos y milenios ese territorio fue habitado por diversas culturas que dejaron su huella. En el recorrido que realizamos contigo, desde Estambul a Capadocia y desde allí regresando a la hermosa Estambul por otra ruta, encontramos variados e impactantes sitios que nos outcrop y comentaste conujo de detalles. Ese viaje fue para nosotros inolvidable, ya que en el recorrido de cada día nos encontramos con la riqueza histórica de ese territorio caracterizado por el cruce de culturas. Desde Bogotá DC te envío un saludo y mi agradecimiento por la maravillosa guía que tuvimos.
(57) 320 ,,,
Dear Gökham Demir. I am very glad you created this page; I am interested in history and it is clear that the Anatolian Peninsula has a rich history; For centuries and millennia, various cultures lived in this region that left their mark. On the tour we did with you on the way back from Istanbul to Cappadocia and from another route to beautiful Istanbul, we found the detailed comments you showed us varied and impressive. This trip was unforgettable for us because we see the historical richness of that region as the crossroads of cultures on every day's journey. A greeting from Bogota DC and thank you for the wonderful guide we have.
Mr. Gökhan, the Eastern Anatolia and Eastern Black Sea tour we have done with you is in my eyes with everything. I congratulate you on your work and wish you health and well-being. Alper Barokas
Thank you Gökhan for everything İnci-Ceren
Mr. Gokhan
It was just a perfect trip
Thanks alot for everything
You are super professional tour guide
Wish you all luck
And wish to meet you on another trip
Thank you very much for everything (GÖMEÇ family) ....

Our guest RECEP CAN, who reached our company, shared his satisfaction with your help and interest in his travel with our unit and thanked you.
As Jolly Tur Customer Relations Department; On behalf of our institution, which has adopted the principle of providing special service to each of our guests and working with a focus on customer satisfaction, we also thank you for your exemplary behavior.
I would like to thank you and your team on my behalf.
Ümmü Metin

hope serkan ozkan
I feel sorry for the crowd making noise instead of listening to this valuable information. Guide Gökhan Bey is great ..